

Do you really need to build cath-tools, or can you just use the 64-bit Linux executables from DOWNLOADS? Remember to chmod them to be executable (eg chmod +x cath-ssap). If you need cath-tools on a different platform (Windows?), please consider creating a new GitHub issue; maybe we can work together to set up an automated build.


You'll need a fairly good (ie recent) C++ compiler (eg on Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install g++). The code is currently being developed to be buildable with GCC v4.9.2.

git clone

There are three further dependencies/prerequisites...


Conan is used to install some of the C++ dependencies (currently boost and rapidjson)

For Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install --upgrade conan

CMake ( ≥ v3.12 )

This is used to build the software.

For Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install cmake

Downloading and running a recent CMake can sometimes be as simple as:

wget ""
tar -zxvf cmake-3.9.4-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz cmake-3.9.4-Linux-x86_64/bin/cmake
tar -zxvf cmake-3.9.4-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz cmake-3.9.4-Linux-x86_64/share/cmake-3.9/Modules
cmake-3.9.4-Linux-x86_64/bin/cmake --version

NOTE for UCL SMB users: If running cmake gives you errors like:

cmake: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

You probably mixing local/network binaries and libraries so try explicitly running /usr/bin/cmake.


The GNU Scientific Library is used for its Singular Value Decomposition function (gsl_linalg_SV_decomp()).

apt-get install gsl-bin libgsl2:amd64 libgsl-dbg:amd64 libgsl-dev

Building the dependencies

cd into the cath-tools directory and then:

mkdir build
conan install --update --build outdated --build cascade --install-folder build .
cmake -GNinja -B build -S . -D "CMAKE_MODULE_PATH:PATH=${PWD}/build"

Building the Code

Once the dependencies are in place, the code can be built with:

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -B build -S . -D"CMAKE_MODULE_PATH:PATH=${PWD}/build"


  • If you have multiple cores, you can make compiling faster by specifying that it may compile up to N sources simultaneously by appending -j [N] to the end of the make command.
  • If your system does not have the Gnu Scientific Library available as a static library on Linux, you should pass -D USE_STATIC_GSL:BOOL=FALSE to cmake.

Running the Build Tests

Once you've built the binaries, run the build tests to sanity check the build. Run bin/build-test in the build directory and confirm that all tests pass. (Alternatively, cd into the build directory and run ctest, with -j [N] for parallelism.)

If your machine has Perl, you can also try running the Perl tests (which includes a run of build-test as one of the tests):

  • Set the environment variable CATH_TOOLS_BIN_DIR to the location of the built binaries
  • Make sure your Perl has access to the required dependencies (if you have cpanm installed then try cpanm --installdeps ./perl)
  • From the root directory of the project, run prove -l -v perl/t

Assuming you have already built the binaries (in the project root):

CATH_TOOLS_BIN_DIR=. prove -l -v ./perl/t

Building on CentOS 6

Install these packages as root:

yum install bzip2-devel cmake git
yum install centos-release-scl-rh
yum install devtoolset-3-gcc devtoolset-3-gcc-c++

Then ssh to the build machine as yourself, find some working directory with at least a few Gb of free space, and then substitute it in for WHATEVER_YOU_HAVE_CHOSEN_AS_YOUR_BUILD_ROOT_DIRECTORY in these commands:


scl enable devtoolset-3 bash

Build Boost:

mkdir -p ${BUILD_ROOT_DIR}/boost_1_60_0_build/{include,lib}
wget ""
tar -zxvf boost_1_60_0.tar.gz
cd ${BUILD_ROOT_DIR}/boost_1_60_0/
./ --prefix=${BUILD_ROOT_DIR}/boost_1_60_0_build
./b2 -j2         --layout=tagged variant=release
./b2 -j2 install --layout=tagged variant=release

Build cath-tools:

git clone

mkdir -p ${BUILD_ROOT_DIR}/cath-tools/gcc_relwithdebinfo/
cd       ${BUILD_ROOT_DIR}/cath-tools/gcc_relwithdebinfo/
/usr/bin/cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -DBOOST_ROOT=${BUILD_ROOT_DIR}/boost_1_60_0_build ..
cd       ${BUILD_ROOT_DIR}/cath-tools/
make -C gcc_relwithdebinfo -k -j2
ls -l ${BUILD_ROOT_DIR}/cath-tools/gcc_relwithdebinfo/